About Saint Petersburg

Гостиницы of Saint Petersburg




Tours in Saint Petersburg

Exhibitions in Saint Petersburg

Hotel Corinthia Nevsky Palace

Hotel Corinthia Nevsky Palace 5 звезды

Hotel address Corinthia Nevsky Palace:
57 Nevsky avenue, Saint-Petersburg
Nearest signs: Metro station Mayakovskaya, Nevsky Prospekt, The Сentre of Сity

Corinthia Nevsky Palace | Description, services | Leisure | On map | Photo gallery | Comments | Conference hall

Hottel pictures Corinthia Nevsky Palace
Please click the small image to see picture large-size
Please click the small image to see picture large-size
Please click the small image to see picture large-size
Please click the small image to see picture large-size




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Гостиницы of Saint Petersburg
